My name is Anthony Green and what I am about to share with you is a real life story.
It's about a very small team of 6 people who make an average of $153,846.17 each and every week... by trading on the stock market
And just to save you the math, that adds up to a little over $8,000,000 a year. Or just under $22,000 a day. In other words, it's a truckload of money -- no matter how you look at it!
But much MORE important..
I am also going to reveal to you how you can easily duplicate our system and make at least $100,000+ in your very first year of trading!"
So that, by the time you finish reading this page, you can get started TODAY and make some serious amount of cash trading stocks without any technical knowledge or any previous stock market experience.
In fact, if you just follow my technique, then I guarantee you will be able to turn...
$1000 into $1 Million in roughly 5 years.Or $2000 into $1.7 Million in just 1.9 years!
And I also promise you that there is absolutely no technical analysis involved. You don't need to spend hours reading charts, doing technical analysis and stuff like that.
I guarantee that this is by far the easiest way to make money from the stock market. No matter how you see it...
Picture yourself, sitting in front of your computer on a Monday morning. The stock market opens in 20 minutes and you turn on your PC.
You follow 5 simple steps explained in the book. Within 10 minutes, you have found a stock trade that is bound to make you money in any market condition...
Go make coffee. Have a little breakfast. And wait for the market to open...
Call your broker to place an order or login to your online brokerage account and place the order yourself.
That's it...Your job is done for today.
The More Money You Begin With, The LessTime You'll Take To Earn $1 Million Dollars!
Trust me, there are literally hundreds of ordinary people just like you, who are virtually shoveling incredible amounts of money from the comfort of their own homes by spending about 20 minutes a day and follow my step-by-step stock trading method.
And once again, there is no chart reading or boring technical analysis involved in the entire trade process.
In fact...
Even a 10 year old kid can understand it in 30 minutes and implement it instantly after reading this book - That's my promise to you.
Add your email address below... And I'll instantly send you a 2-step technique to making $134 every morning the market is open! |
How I Invented This formulaAnd Why Is It So Profitable?
It all begins with a question - what did I do right?
Ask yourself this question and you will, more often than not, be led before a path for success inaccessible by asking "What did I do wrong?"
I am like you: I read all the books, absorbed every system of trading.
And I tried them, too. This included everything from sedate long-term value investing (Warren Buffet-style) to impulsive and fast-paced day trading.
I made money sometimes, but mostly watched as the long term stock picks lost value, then regained it, only to lose it again in a nauseating roller coaster ride.
And day trading - glued to a newswire in the hopes of swooping upon an opportunity before others do proved more difficult than I expected when interpreting news stories and trying to determine whether that story had already been "priced-into" the stock, came into play.
But about three years ago, while still in the process of feeling around for an investment strategy that offered safe, consistent, yet considerable returns, I one day happened upon something quite extraordinary.
I made money on a stock.
Ok, nothing special about that, true enough. I'd made money and lost money, and according to the amalgamation of theories offered forth by the myriad stock market gurus it was simply important to make more than you lost, right?
But as a lover of mysteries, particularly Sherlock Holmes, I decided to deviate from my typical "What did I do wrong?" approach reserved for mistakes and investigate the opposite: What did I do right this time?
So that is what I asked myself the day that I saw a stock I had purchased virtually at random climb significantly the day after I bought it.
And the answer to that question changed the way I traded stocks from then on.
Exciting Discovery: Ultra-ShortTerm Value Investing
Each stock market investor has what he or she deems to be the best method for success... or in some cases, unfortunately, failure. I am no different.
If you are reading this page, then you have at least some desire to actually make money in the stock market, whether your current strategy has been "Buy and Hold", "Buy Low, Sell High" (!), or "Day Trading".
Notice I placed day trading in quotes. That is because I am now of an opinion that nowhere has a more laughable, emotionalist mentality been applied to the system of stock picking than is practiced by the majority of today's day traders. I know. I was one of them.
If you have doubts about whether yet another stock trading strategy can benefit you, then congratulations. You have all the rationality and sense you need to actually stop searching for one and begin using one that works.
If that describes you, read on. You have nothing to lose; this page is not long, it will not appropriate very much of your time. And along the way, be prepared for a discovery that will surprise you, the skeptic, most of all.
Also, be assured my system does not involve Technical Analysis, no Fibonacci Curves, no Bollinger Bands, none of that. It does not have anything to do with attempting to predict the future movement of a stock based on its past movements at all.
In fact, you could actually label my system Ultra-Short-Term Value Investing, though that might be a little cumbersome (and more than a little silly).
So back to that profitable stock. What company was it, you ask? Oh, I think it was Best Buy or Home Depot, honestly I don't remember. Because it doesn't matter.
The conditions that made that stock ripe for buying then may or may not exist any more, anyway. The important thing to ask was a new mental query in my head that was formulated something like this:
Did that stock rise suddenly on that day for a
predictable reason, can such a trade be repeated, and if so,
can it be repeated with foresight, safety, and regularity?
Now, mind you, that is the plainly drawn anecdotal version of a thought process that led to much research, that in turn led to the following answer: Yes.
Another Discovery: 6 Step FormulaA Holy Grail of Trading :)
I continued researching on the technique. I wanted to device a step by step formula that does not require any technical analysis or complex mathematical theorems. But at the same time, should not take more than 15 minutes of research.
And finally, that system could accurately predict exactly what stocks were about to rocket in price.
You see... I wanted to make sure that when stocks pass through all 6 steps in the formula, they almost always rise... Usually within hours and they are extremely safe trades.
Just enough to...
Siphon Off $200, $300 or $500 a Time
And after 9 months of intensive research, me and my team was able to designed a system that does exactly what we were looking for. In fact, we were able to bypass one out of 6 required steps. So now we have...
Instead of 6, We Now Have 5 Steps To Follow!
As a matter of fact, the greatest feature about this trading system is that you can start trading with as little as $1000 into your trading account.
If the unthinkable happened and you lost it, you can decide that, well, it is after all only one thousand dollars. You can always earn it again.
If you find that attitude unthinkable, then you have no business buying stocks using anyone's strategy. The market is risky no matter how you invest.
There's one more thing I'd like to share with you...
If you have more money to invest in the stock market, let's say, $5000 or $10,000, then you can achive your target of $1 Million dollars in much lesser time. Which means...
| |||||||||
Five important things that you don't need to make money from the stock market:
Add your email address below... And I'll instantly send you a 2-step technique to making $134 every morning the market is open! |
Step By Step With The Help Of Pictures, Examples & Whatever Is Required To Make You Understand!
THIS IS NOT a major hoops to jump through concept which looks good on paper but impossible to apply. The entire concept is explained in detail with the help of pictures, graphs and examples to make the entire learning a lot easier.
This stock market ebook is suitable for beginners as well as experienced traders. Both of them can take advantage of that.
But before I tell you how you could get my secret trading formula... Let me explain...
Why you are so close to financial freedom ... and yet so very far.
When I sat in your seat, feeling what you feel, I truly believed I was years away from success. Perhaps even decades. How could it be any other way? But the truth may surprise you.
Right now, at this moment... you are probably one step away from success. Because, one successful technique is all it takes: you are so close... remember, it all happened for me once.
A single decision can separate the winners from the losers. Travelling the world and seeing it with my own eyes has taught me that. Because... me and my team makes over 153,846.17 per week. And some make a great deal more.
I have students from India, Australia, Canada, USA, Pakistan, China, New Zealand, Italy... You name it.
And if you read those testimonials, you'll find out that many people have practically no money to get started.
This is the only stock market strategy in the world that teaches you how to make money from the stock market even if you start with just $1000 dollars.
But don't be confused:
This is not a "magic pill" you take and suddenly you're rich. Trading is not a get-rich quick scheme. It takes time to earn money and become successful.
And if you're dreaming that you will double your money every few weeks and start dating Hollywood movie stars with your newly found wealth, then I must remind you that you're wasting your time reading this letter.
You can go back to praying one of those "magic pill" schemes start to magically work. This EBook will reveal a sure-shot method to make money from the stock trading easily and safely. But I want to see a level of consistency and determination in you.
You are standing right in front of a vast, limitless mountain of checks - only you can't see them, and you never will...
The purpose of this letter is to show you where to look. Exactly where to turn, to ensure they are staring you in the face. And how to grab as many as you can, while you still have the chance to do it.
This is my reality. And while you probably feel that it is impossible, the truth is,... it's so real, and it's happening every day.
And, remember, I talk from experience. I came, saw and took what was rightfully mine. Believe it or not: the money is there and will stay there for years to come.. at least, for the few who know where to look.
And while the gap between me and you might be immeasurable in some ways, you should never forget: you have this one chance to join me, to copy me. And the transition might be far quicker than you had ever imagined, provided that you have the heart to follow my lead...
Truthfully, you would never have guessed any of this unless I told you. Right now, it probably feels like you could never achieve your goals. And the way you are going, I must admit it... you are probably right.
There is only way for you to accomplish your goals: you need access to underground, raw techniques that until now have never seen the light of day. Techniques that are literally illegal in some cases. Like I said, the truth is never easy to stomach...
In short, you need proven methods and unreleased techniques that run contrary to what you have been drip-fed by the gurus. You need to abandon the "old school" methods and test-drive my underground secrets while the opportunity is still here.
And if you think all this sounds too good to be true, that's because... it is.
Is This Working For Other People?
Over 263,000 people in 154 countries have already used the program successfully over the past 4 years! And I've used the feedback from all of those users to refine the program into the current updated 2009 version, which is more powerful than ever.
As a matter of fact, I had my technical assistant use our database of customer zip codes to plot a map of all of my readers in the US alone...SEE BELOW!
Keep in mind this is only a map of my US-based readers, since the address data for all of my international readers couldn't be plotted by our map software.
Map showing "Secrets of Successful Traders" Readers
plotted with mapping software -- zip code data.
As you can see, this map displays all of the readers of the Secrets of Successful Traders in the US alone. All total, I've had over 263,000 users in 154 countries to date.
Not only that, but my program has one of the lowest refund rates in the entire stock market industry:
Thousands of people who have read this eBook have changed their destiny. I get countless emails everyday in my mailbox from users around the world about this one of a kind ebook just this from Bill Pearsall, Fl -
Dear Anthony, Before I read your EBook "Secrets of Successful Traders", I was trading in the dark and had no idea what was I looking for. I use to make profit one day just to lose everything on the very next day. I was basically fed up and depressed because I'd tried all sort of trading methods, strategies, tips, newsletters and what not but I wasn't making money. But I knew that there had to be a better way... That's when I found "Secrets of Successful Traders" and trust me Results were amazing!!. I didn't know that one amazingly simple strategy could open the doors to success. I have made almost $53,000 this year and money is keep on coming, Hats off to you....Great work..!! Bill Pearsall, FL |
You will be given access to the most advanced strategy that are backed with an award winning support staff. We will help you every step of the way.
I don't live in USA. Can I still use you trading strategy?
Absolutely Yes.
It doesn't matter which part of the world you belong to, you can apply our sure-shot strategy and can make money from the stock market. I have students from India, Australia, Canada, USA, Pakistan, China, New Zealand, Italy... You name it.
Hi Anthony, I don't know about anybody else but this book has really given a new platform to my trading and just I can't thank you enough for it. This is one of best book I've ever pruchased. I'm amazed by the amount of information you're providing in this book. I can confidently now say that this book can teach anybody how to make money from the stock investing. Best wishes, William Rhodes |
Newbie Or Experienced... It Really Doesn't Matter.Either Way, I'm Going To Help You Make 1.7 Million In Roughly 1.9 Years.
I wasted $1500-$2500 before buying your EBook, Now I've $26,500 in my account which is growing every single day Hi Anthony, Just wanted to say THANK YOU... Today with the help of your ebook "Secrets of Successful Traders", I'm making money from the stock trading faster than ever. And it's not a long term investment. I mean, the more frequent you are, more money you can make...And I love this. I checked my account last week and I've over $26,000 in it which is incredible...I was not expecting an extremely simple stock market strategy could do this. Before buying your investing ebook, I had spent several thousand dollars trying to find a reliable system in which I can trust blindly (all wasted)... ...But I think now I've just found one. My sincere thanks... Fernando Cruz |
Unconditional 100% Money Back Guarantee
Try the program out for a full 56 days, that'll give you a more than 40 stock trading days to paper trade the system and prove to yourself in real time that this system really does work!
Do the calculations monitor the trades, if we have not delivered everything we promised and more, then I insist you email us and we will refund 100% of your purchase price. That's right, 100%.
Why would I make such a one-sided guarantee in your favor?
Well, the truth is I'm not really worried about refunds because I've seen how people making massive amount of money using my strategy. In fact, I personally have been using the same free stock trading tips over the years and making money from the stock.
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Over a 30 day period, that's only $2.33/day, less than you'd spend on your daily latte. That's not even comparable to the $20 commission you pay to your broker every time you trade.
I guarantee the money you will earn following my fail proof method of stock market trading can easily pay you back hundreds (or even thousands) times your investment.
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If You're Serious About Stock Market, This Book Is Packed With Everything...
From Opening An Account To Making Million - I've Covered Everything...!!
Ask yourself what's the downside?
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Whatever your decision is, I wish you best of luck in whatever you do in life.
Anthony Green
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Test drive "Secrets of Successful Traders" today while there's still time!
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