James Connelly was a 19 Year Old College Student When He Stumbled Across The Secret To Making An Absolute Fortune in the Stock Market.
Connelly Eventually Earned the Nickname, "The Penny Stock Prophet" After His Uncanny Ability to Pick the "Breakout" Penny Stocks Just Days Before They Experienced Record Gains!
Starting With An Initial Investment of Just $1000, James Is Going To Show You How It's Possible To Reach Millionaire Status in Just 38 Trades, Using His Secret Stock Picking Strategy!
Watch Proof Of One Of The Penny Stock Prophet's Stock Picks Made Live On May 23rd, 2010 And Watch What Happened!
For the First Time, James Connelly the "Penny Stock Prophet" is allowing the average investor access to his secret strategy for investing in Penny Stocks!
This offer is available for a limited Time Only:
Current Positions Available: 10
What you're about to read is the story of James Connelly, a college dropout who created a secret stock-picking strategy that can turn $1000, into $1 Million, all by investing in small-cap and micro-cap stocks, otherwise known as "Penny Stocks."
Connelly's peers eventually gave him the nickname "The Penny Stock Prophet" after he proved he had the amazing ability to pick "breakout" penny stocks just days before they experienced incredible gains of...
Even up to 5000%
…In Just a Matter of DAYS!
For the first Time James Connelly A.K.A "The Penny Stock Prophet" is allowing the average investor in on the secret that can make you an absolute fortune...
...By Letting YOU Trade Alongside Him, Using his Exclusive Penny Stock Trading Strategy!
The Story Of of James Connelly A.K.A. The Penny Stock Prophet
Article by Jeffrey Scott:
If you haven't yet heard of James Connelly, it's probably because he is more commonly known by his nickname, "The Penny Stock Prophet," given to him by his peers due to his uncanny ability to discover "breakout" penny stocks just days before they experience RECORD gains.
In the last 12 months, Connelly A.K.A "The Penny Stock Prophet" has become an internet sensation due to his stock picking strategy, that has changed the lives of hundreds of his followers.
As a 19 year-old college student, Connelly excelled in his studies. In his own words, "School was just something that always came naturally for me. It was too easy, and over time I just started to lose interest. I wanted something different, I needed to find something else to challenge me. That's when I decide to turn to trading stocks."
Connelly always had an interest in the stock market, even at a young age. When he was still a teenager, Connelly's father taught him how to read charts, and quarterly earnings reports. "My dad even got me a subscription to the Wall Street Journal for my 16th birthday, " says Connelly.
Having an understanding of the fundamentals of the market, at such a young age, was advantageous to Connelly's eventual future as an investor. The prospect of riches, and the unlimited possibilities that the stock market offered, soon began to recapture Connelly's imagination.
"The stock market to me was just a big puzzle. It fascinated me. I felt that if I could figure out the pieces to that puzzle, I could develop a strategy that would give me a huge advantage over other traders," Says Connelly, "I knew it would take a lot of trial and error, but I was convinced I could develop a method that would give me an edge in finding the next breakout stock."
On a whim, Connelly opened his first trading account his freshman year in college. "Initially, it started off has just a hobby. I wanted to learn the process, and start small. Once I figured out a strategy that could win consistently, then it was time to turn it up a notch."
Connelly began like any other investor. Studying charts, utilizing resistance calculators, analyzing financial reports, and re-learning the basic fundamentals of trading.
Connelly's hobby soon became an obsession as he began skipping his classes, preferring to spend the majority of his time researching and trading stocks.
"I was making more money from my dorm room than most people make at their jobs, so I just figured going to class was a waste of time. I was on to something, and I wanted to keep the momentum going."
To Connelly, spending the day trading was more exciting and satisfying than sitting in a classroom being lectured. Eventually, college became an afterthought.
Over the next few months Connelly spent hours in his dorm room pouring over charts, analyzing trading patterns, volume, resistance levels, and any other identifiable factors he could find to help him identify a point when a stock was about to experience a bullish trading pattern.
Connelly was convinced that that winning stocks must have similarities, and that if those similarities could be discovered, it would be the key to identifying breakout stocks before they happen.
"I felt certain that I could create a strategy that could identify a breakout stock, before it began to rally. There had to be a signal, something that could be used as an identifier to 'red-flag' a stock that was about to see a major move."
Connelly eventually discovered 4 key variables that he believed was the secret to identifying a breakthrough stock. To this day Connelly has not released these variables to the public.
"I've been offered a lot of money to sell my strategy, but that's not going to happen. I want everyone to have the opportunity to profit from my strategy, not just someone who will pay millions for it, and keep it all to themselves."
What Connelly is willing to share with the public, is how identifying the Psychological Support Level (PSL) of a given stock, is the key to his method being so successful.
"While the 4 variables I discovered are still a closely guarded secret, what's not a secret is how PSL can be catalyst to finding breakout stocks. It is the 'match' that lights the fire." Connelly continues, "Most people don't understand how incredibly important PSL is, in discovering under-valued stocks that are about to skyrocket."
Psychological Support Level is nothing new in the trading world. It is the activity of human behavior that can cause a stock to be sold at well below its actual worth. In fact, many investors believe PSL is one of the most important factors in identifying under-valued stocks. However, just discovering undervalued stocks is not enough.
Discovering the undervalued stocks that are about to move,that's the hard part.
"I became interested in the possibility of creating a strategy that utilized PSL to identify and predict human behavior and its influence on a winning stock," says Connelly. "I was certain if I could find a way to combine this with the 4 key variables I discovered, I could greatly outpace the overall market, and see rapid percentage gains in my portfolio."
Connelly believed that PSL was the "missing link" to creating a strategy that would maximize profits and potential gains in the market.
PSL is currently used by mathematicians to predict and determine how human behavior affects population growth, crime and even terrorism. It's called Psychometric Science, and its no longer science fiction. So Connelly posed the ultimate question.
Why Not The Stock Market?
Connelly felt confident that PSL, combined with the 4 variables he had discovered, would prove to be the missing piece of the puzzle that could help 'predict' a bullish trading pattern…. Before it Happens!
The Result?
After months of trial and error, tweaking and testing his strategy; Connelly was successful in creating what would eventually become one of the most popular and wildly successful stock picking strategies in recent memory.
A strategy that when applied, could predict solid gains in the market 24 to 48 hours…before they happened.
When Connelly tested his new stock picking strategy over a period of 30 days he experienced an average gain of 28% on over 11 trades. For any other investor this would be a resounding success...
...but Connelly was not satisfied.
He had a better idea. Since PSL was going to be such a key factor in determining which stocks were about to move, why not implement this strategy in a place that PSL plays the biggest role in discovering winning stocks?
The Micro-Cap Sector! A.K.A. Penny Stocks!
Because PSL plays such a huge role in the micro-cap sector, Connelly was convinced that if he switched his strategy toward micro-cap stocks, he could achieve even greater gains than he could on the big-board stocks. The Results Were Astounding!
Proof of the Amazing Results James Connelly has achieved for his members in just a 30 day period.
45% Average Returns! All trades developedin just 24 to 48 hours.
All with Penny Stocks!
Don't Believe It's Possible to turn $1,000 into$1 Million with Penny Stocks?
This is the most common rebuttal I hear from my skeptics. Most people don't believe it's possible to make SERIOUS money with Penny Stocks. These people are absolutely nuts! On the chart above I showed you the results I achieved in...
...just a 30 day time period. All with Penny Stocks
Over those 30 days, each of the 10 stocks returned an average of 45%, and most of them did so in less than 48 hours!
For all of you skeptics out there, I put together a chart to see how many trades it would take, starting with only $1,000 to reach 1 MILLION in pure profit, following my system of identifying winning penny stocks. Rather than taking an average of 45% like I accomplished in a 30 day period, let's start with a MUCH lower and more conservative figure.
Let's assume that I had a bad month, and each Penny Stock pick will only return an average of just 20% per trade. Now let's assume that you will invest your winnings from each previous trade to the next. How many trades would it take for you to reach $1 Million? The answer might surprise you!
$1,000 to $1 Million in only 38 Trades!
Need More Proof?
Check Out One of The Penny Stock Prophet's Recent Picks:
What Are Current Members Saying about The Penny Stock Prophet's System?
"To be honest, I never had much of an interest in trading stocks until I found pennystockprophet.com. I was really looking for a work-from-home type program, but when I stumbled across this website I figured it looked like a great opportunity and I figured it was too good to pass up. I started in August of 2008 and from my very first trade I was making money. Even when the market hit rock bottom in September and October of 2008, I was making huge gains on individual stocks. While most of my friends lost 40-50% of their 401k, I had TRIPLED my net worth during the same time frame. James, I will be a member for life, and so will my sister, my husband, and both my parents! We thank you for all your help and keep the good times rolling! Thanks!"
"After retiring we were looking for a way to supplement our monthly income, and provide us with a little more spending money so we could really enjoy our Golden Years. We've been members of Pennystockprophet.com for just over 1 year now, and thanks to James we've been able to enjoy making more money each and every month by trading using his strategy. We like to travel, and this system is perfect because it only takes a few minutes to review the emails, and then buy based on the recommendations. Not all of the picks have been winners, but overall all we've averaged nearly 60% returns over the last 12 months. That's absolutely phenomenal! Thanks James for all your help, and for designing a system that's so easy to use, a couple of old folks like us can even do it!"
Will You Be One of the Lucky People to
Trade Penny Stocks alongside 'The Penny Stock Prophet'?
A Note from James Connelly:
For a Limited Time only I am opening up my newsletter to new subscribers who desire change in their life and want to try to achieve Millionaire status by trading alongside me, utilizing my personal Penny Stock Picks. I can help you, but you must be willing to take action in order to succeed.
Have you heard the expression, "You can lead a horse to water…?"
Well it's the truth. The bottom line is you have to make your own success by taking action first. Once you've taken action, you'll just need to follow my lead and I promise I will try to provide you with the tools you'll need to be successful. You don't have to be an expert; you just need to be able to follow a simple system that will put your bank account on autopilot!
As a Penny Stock Prophet member you will receive weekly Penny Stock alerts and updates on the very Penny Stocks that my strategy identifies every week. Here's an example of what my weekly penny stock alerts look like.
NOTE: This Pick Was a 650% Gainer for PSP Members!
Included in these penny stock alerts will be my own independent research (exclusive only to my members) as well as the very specific reasons I've identified a particular penny stock, and why I believe that it is about to see a rally!
I will also teach you about setting limit orders, so that your orders will be automatically executed in your trading account, so you don't have to sit and stare at a stock ticker all day while waiting to cash out. This is putting trading on autopilot!
In addition, I will help you sort out all of those Penny Stock newsletters out there and only bring you the picks from my colleagues that I trust to bring us the most profitable stocks.
You will also have direct access to me, The Penny Stock Prophet!
I am not a stock trading Robot, I'm a real person who's here to answer your questions!
Do I guarantee that each Penny Stock Pick will skyrocket? Of course not. As with any trading system, nothing is 100% perfect, but I guarantee this system is better than any I have ever seen.
If you've never traded a single stock in your life, that's okay! You'll receive our quick start guide that will show you how to setup your trading account, deposit funds, and be trading alongside The Penny Stock Prophet within 24 hours.
While I can't guarantee that every Penny Stock Pick is going to be a home run, I can guarantee that the bottom line is I WILL DO MY BEST TO HELP YOU MAKE MONEY.
The doors will be closed after we've reached capacity, and here's why:
This Offer is Available For a Limited Time Only!
Current Positions Available: 17
As much as I would love to offer this to an unlimited number of people, I simply do not have the means to provide the service I intend for my members once we exceed the new member limit. I have a limited number of support staff and do not intend to overwhelm them with too many subscribers.
For a limited time only you can reserve your spot as a lifetime member for a one time fee of:
But Aren't We In the Middle of A Recession?
Isn't This the Worst Time to Be Investing in Penny Stocks?
Excellent question and the answer might surprise you. It's been my experience that a recession is the absolute BEST time to invest in penny stocks. Some of my biggest gainers in the last year or so have come during a time when the big indexes were following a downward trend.
Three of my picks that gained over 200% did so in September of 2008, the same month the Dow plummeted to 7,449.38, it's lowest point in more than 5 years.
I know that sounds crazy but it's the truth! A recession in the "big" stock indexes is a positive factor in the Penny Stock Market due to the simple fact that when the big indexes aren't doing well, many investors take a break from large cap stocks to focus on the micro cap sector (more commonly known as Penny Stocks).
Large cap stocks have a difficult time correcting from a negative trend in the overall market condition, while micro-cap stocks (penny stocks) are much more independent of overall market conditions. This brings the "big guns" with fat wallets into the microcap market, which means more liquidity in the micro cap sector.
More liquidity = bigger gains for Penny Stock traders. So stop being negative about a struggling economy! A struggling economy is going to mean big gains for Penny Stock traders. I personally believe that the current economic conditions are going to show us bigger gains with penny stocks than we've ever seen before! There couldn't be a better time to invest in penny stocks than right now!
For a Limited Time You Can Trade 'The Prophet's'
Penny Stock Picks For a one Time Investment of:
Lifetime Subscription to the Penny Stock Prophet Newsletter:
Including an 8 Week, 100% Money Back Guarantee
I'm So Sure My Penny Stock Strategy Will work for you I'll let you try it for free.
Internet Security Note: The secure order form on the next page will look like this:
If you join my Penny Stock newsletter via credit card I will allow you to use my system and trade my selected penny stocks each week, for up to 8 weeks. If you haven't made a profit within that 8 weeks, I will refund 100% of your membership fee. Period.
How many 'Penny Stock Experts' will make that kind of Guarantee for their service? None. I am willing to make a statement like that, and more than willing to back it up.
The bottom line is this isn't for everyone and I recognize that. Not everyone is interested in trading Penny stocks on a weekly basis, but everyone is interested in making money.
Many cannot cope with any type of loss whatsoever. And even though I've been averaging 20 – 50% returns on each Penny Stock pick, occasionally my strategy misses the mark on one stock pick, and when that happens, people lose money.
But the truth is if you trade any type of stock on a regular basis it is a given that occasionally you will have a losing trade once in a while. If you are the kind of person who is not stable enough to handle any type of loss, than this is not for you.
I am looking for serious people only who want to try and become millionaires by following my strategy that can make you a fortune in penny stocks.
If you are a courageous individual who likes making money and is willing to take very calculated and controlled risks to maximize your gains and minimize any losses, then the Penny Stock Prophet weekly penny stock alerts are exactly what you've been looking for.
Remember you will be following my exact strategy that will personally developed for making significant gains with penny stocks!
$1000 to MILLIONAIRE STATUS With Penny Stocks... it can happen to you!
With my 8 Week Guarantee there is absolutely nothing to lose. If for some reason I'm wrong about this, you've risked absolutely nothing. But If I'm right, you risk everything by not taking action today.
With a 8 week, 100% money-back guarantee, I have completely taken the risk out of the equation. Now you just have to act. I hope to see you on the other side.
James Connelly
Try the Penny Stock Prophet newsletter with the Iron Clad 8 Week Guarantee:
For a 1 time fee of
Lifetime Subscription to the Penny Stock Prophet Newsletter:
Including an 8 Week, 100% Money Back Guarantee
***Remember there is absolutely no reason for you to leave empty handed. You can take advantage of my 100% Risk Free Offer and begin trading my exclusive penny stock picks today! If you are not earning profits within 8 weeks of trading, I will return 100% of your membership fee no questions asked.
***It doesn't get much better than that. We'll see you on the other side...
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