There are many benefits to incorporate business online, regardless of the size of your business. New business owners no longer need to suffer their way through the maze we call government agencies. Starting a business with the services of incorporating business online specialists is easy and cost effective! Some of the advantages of forming a corporation or Limited Liability Company (LLC) include:
Protection of personal assets - Both LLC's and corporations permit owners to separate and protect their personal assets from business liabilities and lawsuits. In a properly structured business entity, owners should have limited liability for business obligations and debts.
Credibility - A business can get instant credibility just by having "Inc" or "LLC" after their business name. Vendors, suppliers and consumers often prefer to do business with what they believe are serious and reputable entities.
Protection of Business name - In many states, other businesses may not file your exact LLC or corporate name in the same state. An additional protection would be to file a fictitious name registration.
Income tax flexibility - Although profit and loss typically pass through an LLC and get reported on Schedule C of the owners tax return, an LLC can also elect to be taxed as a corporation. Similarly, a corporation can elect to be a Subchapter S corporation an thus avoid double taxation on corporate profits and dividend distributions.
Expenses deductible - Both LLC's and corporations may deduct ordinary business expenses before income is allocated and taxed to the owners.
To get the most out of your small business, choose the right structure. Selecting the right type of company for your new business helps maximize your chances of financial and operational success. Common business structures include:
C Corporations
• Independent legal and tax structures separate from their owners
• Help separate your personal assets from your business debts
• No limit to the number of shareholders
• Taxed on corporate profits and shareholder dividends
• Must hold annual meetings and record meeting minutes
Limited Liability Companies (LLCs)
• Independent legal structures separate from their owners
• Help separate your personal assets from your business debts
• Taxed similarly to a sole proprietorship (if one owner) or a partnership (if multiple owners)
• No limit to the number of owners
• Not required to hold annual meetings or record minutes
• Governed by operating agreements
S Corporations
• Independent legal and tax structures separate from their owners
• Help separate your personal assets from your business debts
• Owners report their share of profit and loss in the company on their personal tax returns
• Limits on number of shareholders, who must be U.S. citizens or residents
• Must hold annual meetings and record meeting minutes
Forming a company properly, whether it is a corporation or an LLC, is a complex process which requires the help of an expert. There are many quality companies whereby the process to incorporate business online is made simple, worry free and will meet all requirements of the State and Federal agencies.
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