This is the bullet that the doctors took off his leg. Now it has become his lucky talisman. |
This incredible story is narrated by the victim himself: Larry B*****. To hear it in audio click the play button:
"They Kept Asking Me:
"How The Heck Did You Do It? What’s Your Secret For Winning The Lottery? Tell Us Or We’ll Kill You…"
…I Managed To Escape But I Got Shot In The Left Foot"
Here is the robot portrait of one of the aggressors. it’s the same picture that was presented to the police. They were never apprehended...
“ Everything happened so quickly … I was walking out in the parking site of the mall when suddenly I was attacked by two masked guys. it’s a very strange sensation to know that you have a gun at your head. At first I didn’t know what they wanted from me. I told them to search my pockets and to take all the money. But they wanted something else … THEY WANTED THE SECRET that made me win the lottery three times in a row and a few times before. |
They Would Have Killed Me If I Didn’tTell Them My Lottery Secret…
What in the world should I tell them … and how can I tell them how I win the lottery with a gun pointed at my head. I clacked, and I swear to God that I acted purely on my instincts. I stumbled and told them that I need at least a half an hour, a pen, a sheet of paper and some silence so I can teach them how to win the lottery consistently .
In that moment they decided to put me into their car and kidnapped me. God DOES exist, and exactly in that moment an ambulance came into the parking lot with its lights flashing. The bandits thought it was the police and wanted to hide. It was the moment when I ran...and I ran very fast although I’ m 42 years old. Bang!!! A firearm knocked in my ears … I felt the bullet in my left foot but I still was able to run. I finally managed to get in the street and ask for help. The rest is history …
Although cracking the lottery code has changed my life … nothing else matters when you have a gun pointed to your head and you realize that in the next minute you might be dead.
All you think about is your wife and children …
I Decided To Thank GOD For Saving Me ByDonating A Lot Of Money To Charity
After this experience I realized that life is by far the most precious thing we have … and money should never be put in first place … although it is good to have it.
At that moment (two years ago), I had already won around $3,500,000 total. All this money was made by winning the lottery five times in two short months. The last three times, I won in a row, and I was on the front page of all the local news papers. This “ fame” surely almost got me killed.
I donated $ 1 million to a foundation that finances libraries in third world countries. As I am a professor, I know how important it i s to have a proper education. This way those people at least will have hope.
I swore in front of GOD and kept my promise.
Here I am, handing the check...
Can Anyone Win The Lottery? ...Or How Did
I Manage To "Kill" The Lottery 5 Out Of 10 Times?
Well … if I would have been asked this question ten years ago, I would have said that “ NO! It’ s impossible to win so often” … but after I spent eight years in developing a system that is guaranteed to win 5 out of 10 times … now my answer will be: “ YES, anyone can win the lottery if you know how to play”.
You see … I’ m a mathematics professor, and I’ ve been passionate about figures since I was young. I admit … I also like to have money, tons of it, because I was raised in a poor family and never got the chance to drive a sporty car or to live in a fancy house until I won the lottery. These two characteristics combined (loving money and mathematics) have transformed me into an addicted lotto player.
After playing years without any luck … I was so intrigued with the probability process that I started to study the archive of the numbers extracted from any lottery I could find. It was a gigantic work … at that time the internet was not so advanced … They didn’ t have many websites or search engines, and I had to search through physical files manually without any tool …
My wife took a picture of my work room at that time...
I was searching for a lotto PATTERN…
This huge work took about eight years. It didn’t matter too much to me. I had the time of my life because I was playing with numbers. After countless failed “ revelations” and endless testing … on a beautiful day in April, I decided to give another shot to my latest discovery. I played a simple ticket that cost me $5.
Bang!!! The next weekend hit me with the best news of my life: I WON $200,000 in cold cash! I hit all 6 numbers. It wasn’t a lot of money in game that week . Here’ s my first check:
From that point on, it was a piece of cake … the lotto pattern was discovered. I knew I would never need to worry about money again. My secret was making me money like crazy. After another two weeks …
BANG!!! … Another $125,000 prize won again. As you can see … I didn’t win every single time, but it didn’ t matter. I had enough money and time to perfect my FORMULA even more.
I already had the winner’s platform, and it was only a matter of time until I hit the big Jackpot.
$1,000,000 JACKPOT on MAY 2007
… and for the next three weeks, I was the only person who won the big prize. It wasn’ t possible to be accused of something because everyone knew that it’ s impossible to cheat the lottery. I was in the front page of the local newspapers, and the money was floating into my accounts.
How "The Lottery Black Book" |
As Al Pacino Said In "Devil’s Advocate":
"VANITY…is definitely my favorite sin"…
It’ s true … the same thing happened to me, and I couldn’ t help myself from all the things that I’ ve dreamt of when I was young:
I bought a big house …
I bought two sports cars and an Escalade for my wife …
I traveled the world …
I watched my relatives “ dying” to know my secrets, and suddenly I became for them a very interesting guy.
You should try these feelings … It feels great to know that you are out of debt for the rest of your life, that you don’ t need to worry again about money, and you can do anything you like … go anywhere you want without thinking that the loan rate is coming back to haunt you or that your children don’ t have money for college.
I Was Greedy – I ADMIT
Not necessarily for the money … but more for the “fame” and this was about to cost me my life. This part you already know and I will skip it …
What’ s more interesting is the fact that even if I’ m the guy who has cracked the lottery code … this does not necessarily mean I’ m the smartest lottery player … (useless fame).
People Who Are Applying My Teachings Have Gotten Rich Without Any Troubles
...Because they weren’ t stupid like me. They do not share their identity with others and they maintain a low profile.
Since I wasn’ t competing with anyone in this “ money” war, I said to myself i t won’ t be a crime to share my methods (or a taste of them) with other people.
Most of them are my friends, but there are some people who came directly to me, and I taught them exactly what they need to do to “kill” the lottery. You’ ll laugh but...
Winning The Lottery Is Not ROCKET–Science. Anyone can do it.
People who have tried my system are not scientists or professors. In fact, all you need is a pen, a sheet of paper and my technique. It really is that simple …
I know that it is hard to believe but convince yourself by reading the success stories below. They have come from regular people like you who insisted on sharing their personal experiences with me. I will attach the pictures but for obvious reasons, I will protect their identity:
And other pictures with happy people…
I realized that I feel very good knowing that I can make other people happy…
In this short period of time since I've shared my winning formula with others, I realized that people do not necessarily want to get rich as much as they want to get out of debt. I’ ve received tens of thank you letters from people from all over the world and first they thank me because my simple lotto system has changed their lives.
I decided to publish all my secrets in a book…
Knowing that my system can be easily applied to any lottery anywhere in the world … I said to myself : “ Since we’ re not competing with each other, why shouldn’ t I write a book that reveals all my secrets?”.
I had a few reasons for doing this:
#1: I will change many people’ s lives by giving them the possibility to taste life differently, getting them out of debts and even getting them rich.
#2: I want a personal revenge on LOTTERIES, because I know how they rip people off and how they take huge commissions each time there’ s an extraction. Search for their head office and you’ ll see what luxury they have created from our money.
#3: Sharing my secrets (in a limited number) will keep me out of trouble and hopefully the bad guys will find my book, take my secrets, and they won’ t attack me anymore.
It wasn’t easy…First, I was banned
Starting with the idea of publishing my winning methods in a book, I went to a publisher an explained to him exactly as I have explained to you what I wanted to do.
After listening to what I had to say, very politely, the general manager told me that it wa s impossible for them to publish my book because if my methods are really working (and they DO work … as you can see in the examples above), I would be responsible for creating many millions of dollars … and again the winners may be exposed to the same attacks that I’ ve been exposed to. “This is such BS,” I said. I couldn't believe my ears …
I tried again, and again, and again!
… Nothing seemed to work. From all the publishers I received almost the same response.
I was going mad. “ What kind of a country is this ?” I yelled.
I decided to go online and spread mybook over the internet
YES. My book is now in electronic format. I wrapped up all you need to know for “ killing” the lottery. It’ s been written by me Larry L**** in plain English so anyone can apply and learn from my teachings.
It has the advantages that it can be ordered online and downloaded almost instantly. The book layout is very easy to print, and you’ ll have the hard copy in less than half an hour.
This was the birth of “ The Lottery Black Book”
After all, I think it’s better this way than having it in libraries. So...
You Won’t Find "The Lottery Black Book"
In Libraries
...There's a catch tough...
It’ s very obvious that I must sell only a limited number of copies of “ The Lottery Black Book” . Think what would happen if this book became a best seller and it millions of copies were sold!
Thousands of people would have competed for the same prize on each extraction. This way the prizes would have gotten lower and who knows what restrictions the lotteries would place.
It’ s better this way … I will sell only 1,000 copies of my ebook. The price is $96.83 per copy.
This is peanuts, considering what you’ll win. After these 1,000 copies are sold, this ebook will be erased and never revealed again. Moreover, since I’m not in need of money, all the money that will be raised from here will be donated to build other libraries.
A copy of can be ordered anytime! Even if it is 2 a.m. on Christmas day, you will still be able to receive instant access to members area where you can read or print our all the information.
100% satisfaction money back guarantee!
Get 8 Weeks to Try it Out!
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To sweeten the pot and make it even more impossible to refuse I'll come with:
"Your MONEY BACKGuaranteed"
What does this mean? … Buy the ebook right now, read each word I’ve presented to you and then start to apply my teachings. Allow a few weeks (2 - 3) to modulate your game , and after that see your winnings skyrocket!
If within these 60 days you don’t win at least once a fat check … you can simply ask for a refund!
Needless to say, you can get a regular refund from Clickbank, our credit card processor, at anytime within these 60 days - no questions asked, no hassles...
As you can see, your investment is totally safe and you have nothing to lose …
That will be all for the moment.
Good luck and God Bless you.
You can alway contact me here:
Larry B
Luckylarryblair (at)
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Frequently Asked Questions "You Asked, I Answered"
Since this letter was posted, it has been read by thousands of people. Most of them had some questions to ask me. I thought it would be wise to put the answers here so anyone can read them without losing time writing me and waiting for the reply (although I do answer very fast):
"How Do I Know That Your System Is Working For Me? " – Marc M.
Since my winning system has been tested over and over again with great success in 99% of the countries where the lotto is played, I do no t see any reason why it won’t work for you. Unless you’re living in a forgotten hard-to-spell country in Africa. … you don’ t need to worry. The mathematics is the same everywhere. Click on the link below to see a complete list with the countries where my system has been proven to work:
"How Can You Guarantee My Success?"
–Johanna S.
It i s only a matter of days or weeks until you will start winning tens of thousands of dollars or even millions. I’m not God so I don’t know exactly when … but I do know that it’ s going to happen. Unless you’re the unluckiest person alive, you don’t need to worry. Do exactly what I teach you to do and the sky is the limit!
After all, what are you going to lose compared with how much you have to gain? You are still playing randomly, aren’t you? You’ re still picking your numbers without any logic or directions, aren’t you? You’re still thinking that “the luck factor” is the only thing that can get you the big prize, aren’ t you?
"How Much Do I Have To Spend For Winning The Big Prize?"– Frank P.
You won’t change the way you play. If in the past you played small tickets, then you can use the same system. It doesn’ t matter too much. It’s true that if you’re after regular winnings more quickly, you need to spend a little bit more. In conclusion, there’s no fixed amount to play. You decide how much you’re willing to spend.
"What Do I Need To Have (or know) To Implement Your Techniques?"–Richard B.
The basic requirements are a pen, a sheet of paper, and a thorough reading of my ebook. That’s all you need for starting to win consistently, time after time, until you hit the jackpot. Also, you don’t need to be a sophisticated player who is using fancy formulas. The system was designed and developed with the picture of the “average guy” in mind: the guy who is spending a few bucks every week hoping that someday he will take the JACKPOT!
Now you’re really close to your first big achievement: hitting the multi- million-dollar jackpot. What is stopping you from starting right now?
"How DO I Know That My Order Transaction Is Secure?"– Morani G.
We use the most advanced ssl protection. That means your transaction is 100% safe. Moreover, the transaction is made through, one of the largest online retailers.
A copy of can be ordered anytime! Even if it is 2 a.m. on Christmas day, you will still be able to receive instant access to members area where you can read or print our all the information.
100% satisfaction money back guarantee!
Get 8 Weeks to Try it Out!
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