Are you struggling to earn what you are worth from home? Have you tried just about every "get rich quick" home based business strategy there is... and NOT found that any of them are quick OR making you rich? If you are anything like I once was, jumping from one "biz opp" ad to the next was my entire strategy for striking it rich from home, online or from anywhere else for that matter.
Here is what I'm REALLY grateful I learned pretty early on. (unfortunately far too many people NEVER learn this at all)
There are very few CONSTANTS that can be consistently counted on when it comes to earning money online. As a matter of fact, in some respects, the BIG players like Google, and the other search engines, as well as some of the major revenue producers do NOT want you, as a small based entrepreneur to succeed. (or at least not in the ways most "Guru's" want you to believe.
Here is EXACTLY Why:
SEO tricks and techniques are actually the antithesis of what makes Google and the other search engines the huge conglomerates that they are.
They are in business to produce the highest, most relevant results for their users, everyday people who "surf" for answers or information, and any marketing that tries to "game" the results, or artificially boost one "marketing" website over another, is public enemy #1.
This has been proven now, over and over and over again... as every "trick", gimmick and secret has slowly been exposed as ineffective and even counter productive to your brand, your business and your bank account to boot.
Here is why ARTICLE syndication, or strategic content creation is the only real enduring way to make money online, from the comfort of your home, that there is: (and has remained so for me, for 5 years running)
As long as people are searching for answers or information, articles will have REAL value. To the search engines who are helping those folks find the answers they need. To the publishers like US, who are creating valuable information. And to the ultimate readers, who are consuming your content and acting on your advice, when that content is created with quality in mind.
I've seen lots of trends come and go... and believe me, lots more will do the same. But the one thing that continues to work as well today as it did a half a decade ago is CONTENT is in fact still king!
What do YOU need to do to prove this to yourself?
Start writing articles, just like this one.
Submit them to the high trust, high ranked directories that the search engines seek OUT for quality information to offer their users.
Submit them to the high trust, high ranked directories that the search engines seek OUT for quality information to offer their users.
Create in QUANTITY. (but not at the expense of saying something real)
Be constant, consistent and value oriented. (I've learned the hard way recently, as have many of the directories themselves, that QUALITY counts, as much as quantity)
How does all of this translate into an EMPIRE you can count on for years to come?
I still get traffic every day from articles I wrote 2 and 3 years ago. I make sales on affiliate campaigns I forgot about 18 months ago or more. And I get subscribers, readers, clients and customers every week from content I wrote so long ago... I actually forget why I wrote them in the first place.
To me - that's the definition of a passive, powerful income stream that I couldn't stop if I wanted to. And if you are sick of the scams and the silliness, it's the one home based business technique you can learn today, that's NOT going to let you down, I promise!
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