So many websites and dot-coms are attempting to figure out a business model that actually makes money. After all, it's very easy to set up a website, and get lots of traffic, as long as you are giving stuff away. However, as soon as you try to make money with it, you will lose all the free loaders, and many of the visitors who are simply there to soak up your resources at no charge to them.
Now then, let's discuss how an Artists' online venue might be able to boost its revenue and thus its viability moving into the future. By doing so they will be able to offer more to their guests, both pain and nonpaying to continue to grow their business models and websites. Until they can do this, they will have no way to hire more people and build their business. The other day, I participated in an online survey for a website specifically for artists, photographers, and people selling their art products.
Not long ago, I was having a dialogue with a fellow artist, well mostly a designer and engineer but also an artist, about some of the major websites online used to sell artwork, and photographs. We discussed Flickr and RedBubble [dot com] and what they might do to really get their websites rocking, increasing traffic, and finding a pay model to get them making money, at least enough to catch the eye of VC, investment banks, and a private offering similar to Facebook, and others in Silicon Valley.
Now then, there was a great blog post in MIT's Technology Review Blogging Network recently worth a read on the whole resurgence of the dot-com bubble on Mim's Bits Blog titled "Wave of Superfluous New Startups Is Surest Sign We're in a Bubble - One social network bravely asks: "Why have a conversation with someone standing next to you when you can video chat with them?" by Christopher Mims on May 27, 2011, which by the title itself basically says it all.
Yet, besides that there are long-standing websites which might learn a little bit from social networking sites to improve their business models, and perhaps make a profit, show some decent numbers, and find value, and potential investors as well as a long-term viable solution for their future as well. I believe RedBubble is just such a website.
It might make sense for Red Bubble to take a look at other semi-social networking sites, without trying to actually become one themselves. For instance there are many social networking industry sites that are doing quite well and have developed pay models to help keep them up and pay for all of their people. One such website is Active Rain, which specializes in the real estate sector. By giving each artist their own page, and allowing them to tell more about themselves along with contact information it could significantly boost the sales for those particular artists.
And by having a blog network set up with such a website, there will also be cross referrals between artists. This helps foster the art community, and drive sales for the participants. If the participants in any type of social networking system are making money, they are bound to put more time and effort into that website, building that website and their many pages, and traffic for free. This way, Red Bubble will be getting something extra from all of their participants, without sacrificing the bank to do it. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.
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