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Senin, 20 Juni 2011

PRODUCT : - Premium Stock Trading Course

From the desk of: Kevin Brown
Greetings traders, and welcome to my swing trading site. I am an independent trader and author of The Definitive Guide to Swing Trading Stocksa swing trading course for active traders. In the swing trading course you are about to discover, I have compiled over 20 years of my personal trading experience and reveal my most effective swing trading methods forextracting real profits from the markets on a regular basis.

If you are anything like me, you have grown tired of the exaggerated, misleading and just plain dishonest claims of sales people pitching the latest "trading secret".  Their pitches depend on the fact that over 90% of traders lose money in the markets so they prey on the resulting uncertainty and desperation of traders. The truth is that there aren't any secrets to trading; just proven principles, and that is why I put this course together…to prove it!Bookstores sell thousands of books on the subject of trading but 90% of traders are still losing money…so what is the answer?
To be successful in the markets you really just need four things.
  • A brokerage account
  • Trading capital
  • The discipline to follow a plan
  • A proven trading plan (this is where I come in)
The approach I have taken in my trading course is to debunk what most others peddle as "secrets" and disclose what the activity of swing trading is all about.  I don't offer you exaggerated promises, I provide swing trading strategies and methods that work for me as well as other traders and even more importantly, I explain "WHY" they work and why you must trade within your own trading comfort zone.  I am so confident that I can teach you to trade, I guarantee positive results if you are willing to learn and apply my methods. At the end of the day you must come to realize that nobody will ever manage your money better than you!  You won't find hard selling tactics, made-up testimonials, or wild earnings statements here but you will find that this is one of the most useful courses you will ever encounter for furthering your trading education. To prove it to yourself, please read the rest of the information on this site and don't forget to download the free chapters.

Why is Swing Trading so Attractive?
In today’s unpredictable worldwide economy nothing is certain.  Your employment is not certain, your home value is not certain, your retirement account (social security and private) is not certain.  I became interested in trading over 20 years ago for one reason….INDEPENDENCE.
Independence from…
  • Employers (a lot of issues here)
  • Time constraints
  • Economic conditions
  • Geographic constraints
  • Employee management
  • Illiquid investments
This independence has not only reduced the stress in my life but it has allowed me to do many useful and wonderful things for myself and my family.   If you want the same, I encourage to take steps to learn more about my trading course. .
Why Can You Believe Me?
Available online since 2003, The Definitive Guide to Swing Trading Stocks has earned a reputation as the #1 Swing Trading Course available anywhere.  But don't take my word for it…here's PROOF you can verify for yourself!
 About this Website: You probably started your search for a trading solution using search engines. Google's search engine is by far the largest and most trusted because it lists websites in order of relevancy and authority for each search.  This website has been ranked by Google as the #1 Swing Trading Course website in the world for over 5 years!
How do this site rank for other swing trading related search terms.

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About the Author:  As I previously mentioned, I have over 20 years of experience in trading the markets and have traded or am familiar with virtually every trading method ever conceived.  Not only did I personally author my #1 rated swing trading course which has been top rated since 2003, I also authored the current Swing Trading page for world renowned online encyclopedia)  to serve as a worldwide reference for all swing traders. Any contributions to Wikipedia must be considered credible to be accepted and published.Today, ranks my Swing Trading article on Wikipedia as the #1 site for the topic of Swing Trading.
About the Course:  You need to find out if my trading course has been deemed an authority on the subject of "Swing Trading" by an independent review.  The Definitive Guide to Swing Trading Stocks is one of the few trading courses that has been featured with positive reviews in major trading magazines such as Stocks and CommoditiesFutures and Active Trader.  In addition, my course has been wildly adopted by over 20,000 customers in 150 different countries since 2003!

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