You Are Just Moments Away From Discovering:
How To Quickly And Easily Produce Mind-Blowing Car Renderings Using Photoshop
How To Create 3D Cars In Photoshop That Look Real, First Time, Every Time
Simple Tips And Tricks The Pros Use To Amaze Their Clients
The Most Common Mistakes When Rendering Cars in Photoshop And How To Fix Them
Detailed Step-By-Step Car Rendering Tutorials Made Easy
... PLUS Many More Insider Secrets Of Professional Automotive Designers.
"My Renderings Have More 'Pop' And Have Much More Life Than Previously" "Since I'm pretty new to Photoshop, learning the techniques the pros use helped me figure out how to shade up highlights and shadows. Previously, I was struggling with figuring out the best way to work these... Using the big brush with low opacity helped no end!The difference between what I know now and previously is tremendous. My renderings have more 'pop' and have much more life than previously. If you're considering these tutorials, my advice is go for it. Especially if you're a beginner Photoshop user! The tricks shown, and the way they're explained is really good. Key elements are iterated clearly and you will be stunned with your end results!" - Mark Taylor, Dearborn, USA |
If you've ever wanted to render realistic 3D cars in Photoshop quickly and easily ... using the exact same insider tips and techniques of the pros ... produce amazing renderings of your favorite cars effortlessly ... and fast track your Photoshop rendering skills to the levels of the pros without wasting hours and hours of trial and error ... then this is going to be the most exciting message you'll ever read!
Here's why...
My name is Tim Rugendyke. And for the past 15 years I worked as an automotive designer for companies such as Ford and General Motors as well working on countless international transportation design projects spanning America, Europe, Asia and Australia. I also lectured at Australia's leading design school teaching aspiring designers how to render cars like a pro.
And through a long and painstaking process of trial and error and honing my Photoshop skills over the past 10 years on demanding client projects, I have discovered the insider secrets that are 100% guaranteed to get you rendering amazing cars in Photoshop fast and easy...even if you've never rendered a thing in Photoshop before!
And now for the first time ever, I've put it all together in one comprehensive step-by-step video program called...
How To Render Cars in Photoshop Fast and Easy
“The Insider Secrets To Rendering Cars Like the Pros"
This video program has over 4.5 hours of video content which give you step-by-step instructions on how to become a expert at rendering cars in photoshop in no time at all. As it's all online and video based, you simply sit back and watch it on your computer right away, and within a few hours you'll be able to produce results you can't even begin to imagine.
These are videos of me actually rendering cars in Photoshop right before your very eyes, as if you were literally sitting side by side with me, looking over my shoulder as I work with Photoshop on your computer showing you how each rendering is done. You can watch the videos using you favorite web browser and learn how to render cars in Photoshop at your own pace and without any fixed schedule... working from the comfort of your own computer!
You can either pick and choose what you want to know and have the practical instructions to get you started straight away. Or learn the foundations to help you render any car you want…FAST.
This is a complete step-by-step program to rendering cars in Photoshop fast and easy that you'll be referring to for years to come.
This Unique Video Program Has The Power To Turn YOU Into A Photoshop Car Rendering Dynamo In No Time Flat, Whether You've Been Rendering Cars For Years ... or Just Days.
Here's Just a Small Taste of What You'll Discover When You Access The How To Render Cars in Photoshop Fast and Easy Video Program Today:
- How to produce realistic 3D looking cars within a couple of hours using Photoshop (or any other image editing program such as Corel Photo-Paint, Paint Shop Pro and GIMP)
- How to choose the right colors so your renderings really pop out of your screen
- The best way to add color and tone to make your renderings come alive
- Why adding shadows the right way will give your renderings extra depth and shape definition
- The insider tips on how to create classic chrome reflections
- How to render realistic-looking windows - both transparent and tinted
- Creating perfect reflections the quick and easy way
- The multiple ways of adding highlights that give your renderings more life
- What to refer to when rendering indicator lights
- Learn how to instantly change the look and feel of a rendering in a few mouse clicks
- Everything you need to know about how design professionals use Photoshop layers
- A simple cheat that design pros use to produce perfect rims
- How the pros ‘borrow’ existing images to save time and make their renderings more realistic
- Creating simple interior details quickly
- How to use Photoshop to finish off a rendering to really bring out the car without overpowering it
- One surprising tip on what you shouldn't use Photoshop for
- Step-by-step analysis of rendering examples so you can see how the pros produce amazing renderings
And That's Just The Tip Of The Iceberg! Just A Small Fraction Of The Insider Secrets To Rendering Cars Fast And Easy Like The Pros.
What is great about the How To Render Cars in Photoshop Fast and Easy video program is that you don't have to wait to start learning - you can get started this minute, because these training tutorials are viewable online the moment you gain access to them (which you can do in just a few minutes)......Plus if you don't watch them now it doesn't matter you can login anytime and view them - even at 3:00 am if you want to, and you also get the option to download them to your computer if you wish. So you can view them offline at any time as well.
Click Here To Get Started Right Now
OK, What EXACTLY Do I Get With How To Render Cars in Photoshop Fast and Easy?
It contains detailed instructions, explaining how to perform each task. It has easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions on how to produce amazingly realistic 3D car renderings in Photoshop fast and easy.It allows you to pause, rewind and re-watch any points again and again - until your comfortable. It's totally flexible and allows you to learn at your own pace in the comfort of your own home, on your own computer (and the videos are fully Mac and PC compatible).
Here's EXACTLY what's covered in the video program:
Introduction (Video #1)
- Introduction and program outline
- Examples of renderings before and after Photoshop treatment
Scanning Your Drawings (Video #2)
- Scanning hand drawn images
- Optimal scan settings for speed and resolution
Quick Start Guide (Videos 3 – 5)
Quick Start Guide Part 1 - Adding Color (Video #3)
- Adding tone to bring the drawing to life
- Using the Lasso selection tool
- Tidying up the drawing
- Adding reflections
- Adjusting opacity
Quick Start Guide Part 2 - Adding Reflections (Video #4)
- Adding sky and ground tone reflections
- Hiding background imperfections
- Creating automatic highlights without using colors
- Building up the tone with brushes
- Achieving subtle fade outs
- Creating window reflections
- Getting the original drawing details to show through
- Fixing mistakes in the original drawing
Quick Start Guide Part 3 - Adding Highlights & Background (Video #5)
- Adding edge highlights to doors
- Controlling the highlight strength
- Adding sky tone to rims
- Creating classic chrome reflections
- Using flow rate to build up the color
- Adding a background to finish off the rendering
- Adding background reflections across the back edge of car hood, roof and windscreen
Click Here To Get Started Right Now
Pontiac G8 Rendering (Videos 6 – 18)
Cleaning Up The Scanned Image (Video #6)
- Using the Lasso tool to quickly remove extra lines and dirt outside the drawing
- Removing color streakiness
- Making black truly black and white truly white
- Removing extra lines and white spots in black areas
- Modifying the original drawing
G8 Rendering Part 1 - Adding Color (Video #7)
- How to effectively select areas to color
- How not to get white edges when pasting objects
- Creating layers
- Insider tip on building up the tone
- Using the Burn and Dodge tools
- Tips for rendering metallic paint
- Indicating changes in the body shape
- How to control blending
G8 Rendering Part 2 - Adjusting the Color (Video #8)
- Putting color into a gray drawing and changing the color
- Adjusting the color
G8 Rendering Part 3 - Adding Reflections (Video #9)
- Adding highlights on new layers
- Adjusting reflections
- Removing reflections from shadow areas
- Using the Clone Stamp tool to clean up lines
- How to weaken highlights that are too strong
- Why you need to name the layers
- How to render flares
- Adding secondary reflections
- Using paths vs the lasso for adding reflections
G8 Rendering Part 4 - Adding More Reflections and Highlights (Video #10)
- Adding hood reflections
- Tip for managing numerous layers effectively
- Using the Pen tool to create highlights
- Creating strong highlights with smooth edges
- Highlights for chamfered edge
G8 Rendering Part 5 - Adding Shadow Tones (Video #11)
- Adding additional highlights on cut lines
- Adding 'lowlights' to give panels more shape on the top edges
- Cleaning up furriness of line work
- Adding darker reflections on the side of the body and rear bumper
G8 Rendering Part 6 - Rendering Windows (Video #12)
- Adding reflected sky tones to the windows
- Building up the color
- Working with layers and highlights
- Creating the transparent look
- Creating the tinted look
G8 Rendering Part 7 - Rendering Headlights (Video #13)
- Creating reflections that look dramatic
- Using layers
- Adding the indicator 'orange' glow
- Adding reflections to the headlight
- Rendering indicators
- Selecting the right color
- Theory on light diffraction and properties
- Copying colors and tones from real cars
G8 Rendering Part 8 - Rendering Wheels (Video #14)
- Modifying the rims
- Preparing the rims for highlights
- Covering up marker imperfections in rims
- Using layers to leave original image unaltered
- Adding highlights
- Managing layers to minimize file size and confusion
G8 Rendering Part 9 - More Rendering Wheels (Video #15)
- Completing the rear rim
- Adding highlight details on the tires
- Adding flare shadows on the tires
- How to determine the shape of the shadows
- Adding sidewall thickness
- Adding tread detail
G8 Rendering Part 10 - Finishing the Rendering (Video #16)
- Touching up the rendering
- Adding extra highlights
- Adding a ground reflection
- Adding perspective to the ground reflection
- Using the Distort and Warp functions
Changing the Look (Video #17)
- Changing colors to create a completely different look and feel
- Adding simple graphics quickly
- Changing the wheel rim color
Adding Graphics (Video #18)
- Adding logos or words to side of the car
- Add perspective to the logo
- Changing the background color to bring out the body color and highlights
- Adding a gradient to the background
- Adjusting the windscreen when using dark backgrounds
Click Here To Get Started Right Now
Le Mans Racer Rendering (Videos 19 – 26)
Racer Part 1 - Creating Paths (Video #19)
- Using paths and layers for a great result
- Detailed analysis of a hot rod rendering using paths and layers
- Working over original sketches that don't have to be very neat
- Creating paths with the Pen tool
Racer Part 2 - Adding Tone (Video #20)
- Turning paths into selections and rendering the shape
- Why you don't need to be too careful if you're using layers
- Searching for rim photos on Google
Racer Part 3 - Creating Rims from a Photo (Video #21)
- Selecting rim outline to paste into rendering
- Creating ellipses as per How To Draw Cars Fast and Easy e-book
- Match the rim to the sketch's perspective
- Modifying the rim depth by editing the original rim
- Adding drop shadows
Racer Part 4 - Adding Reflections (Video #22)
- Building side reflections in layers
- Building up strong reflections for contrast
- Adjusting reflection intensity
Racer Part 5 - Adding Highlights (Video #23)
- Adding body color and highlights
- Using the background sketch as a guide
- Creating smooth highlights using paths that stand out in the drawing
- Adjusting the ends of the highlights
Racer Part 6 - Adding Cut Lines and More Highlights (Video #24)
- Adding further body tones and a side scoop
- Using paths to create door and panel cutlines and additional highlights
- Creating cut lines and highlights from the same path
Racer Part 7 - Adding Interior Details (Video #25)
- Using layer groups
- Creating a simple interior silhouette that doesn't overpower the exterior rendering
- Using glass to cover any imperfections
- Adding tint to the windows
- Adding a light wash to tint the side window
Racer Part 8 - Finishing the Rendering (Video #26)
- Removing remaining line work from the original sketch
- Using Photoshop to change things you don't like
- Adjusting the background to add life and bring out car
- Adding a reflection of the car
- Fading the reflection to not overpower the car
This Video Program Allows You To Look Over The Shoulder Of A Professional Designer And Show You How To Do The Renderings YOU’VE Always Wanted To Do!
Click Here To Get Started Right Now
Why Am I Qualified To Give You Advice?
I'm a tutor, lecturer and a 'hands on' designer, who travels the world for my automotive design work. I've spent most of my life studying car design and car renderings . Ever since I was 8 years old, I've been drawing cars and learning how to perfect them.I have also won awards as a designer and I'm not just saying this to boast, but to let you know that I use these techniques in the 'REAL' world and it works.
Understand this, I'm in the trenches of automotive design everyday. Not only is automotive design my job, but I live and breath this stuff and I genuinely want to help YOU who is serious about getting your car renderings looking amazing …every time!
I'm not trying to boost my ego or to want you to think that I am special but to show you that I can help you too! So you will be getting REAL information and REAL techniques that will help you render cars like a pro…FAST and EASY.
Of Course You May Be Saying To Yourself, “Sure Tim Is Able To Use Photoshop To Render Cars Like A Professional Because Of His Life Long Experience And Knowledge…But What About Me?”
That's a good question. The good news is, this video program was created by a professional designer, but its not just for designers. In fact, even if you only have a basic understanding of Photoshop, you will get fantastic results with this video program. And if you use another image editing package such as Corel Photo-Paint, Paint Shop Pro or GIMP, the information in this video program is still 100% applicable. As it covers car rendering principles and techniques, and not unique functions within Photoshop.So when you finally decide to stop making the same mistakes that have been holding you back and apply the techniques in How To Render Cars in Photoshop Fast And Easy, you can literally render any car you want...with it looking like it has been done by a professional. Click Here To Start Rendering Cars Like The Pros.
Special Introductory Offer… SAVE $30.00!
I’ve deliberately kept the price of How to Render Cars in Photoshop Fast and Easy way down, so even those on the tightest budgets can afford to get hold of this info. If you’re an action taker, and you act quickly, you can take advantage of my Special Introductory Offer.You see even though this video program is based on over 15 years design experience and 10 years refining my client Photoshop renderings, I’ve decided to sell it for just $97.00. That’s a bargain in anyone’s language.
Since there are no duplication costs for online video programs, you can get these videos for much less than it would cost if it were a DVD - AND you get it instantly (no waiting for the snail mail!).
But I’ve taken it one step further! As part of a Special Introductory Offer, you’ll only invest $67.00 ... That’s a SAVING of $30.00!
But wait, it gets even better...
ORDER TODAY And You'll Also Get The Following FREE Bonuses Worth At Least $144.80
When you purchase How To Render Cars in Photoshop Fast and Easy, you also receive these FREE bonuses:
FREE BONUS #1: Bonus Video: Applying Color in Photoshop (VALUED AT $9.95)
- Color theory
- Flow rate tip
- Brush size tip
- Using and choosing colors
- Tips to make colors look better
FREE BONUS #2: Bonus Video: Adding Object Reflections (VALUED AT $14.95)
- Masking off the reflection area
- Analyzing tree reflections in photos
- Selecting the correct brush
- Adding tree details
- Adding tree reflection to side of car
FREE BONUS #3: Bonus Video: Adding Ground Reflections (VALUED AT $9.95)
- Finding photos suitable for the ground reflection
- Getting the reflection perspective correct
- Using the Distort function to adjust the perspective
- Cutting out areas not required or seen in the reflection
FREE BONUS #4: Car Body Reflections Cheat Sheet (VALUED AT $9.95)
Exclusive cheat sheet to help you master reflections. |
FREE BONUS #5: Original Photoshop Files Used in the Videos (VALUE AT LEAST $100.00)
As a special bonus for ordering today, you will receive the original layered Photoshop PSD files demonstrated in the videos. Using these PSD files, you can dissect and study the techniques in detail to work out exactly how the renderings were created. You can also modify the files to test out your newly acquired Photoshop skills to create some brand new renderings. (Please note that these PSD files are for personal educational use only.)So Let’s Take A Look In Detail Again.
Here Is What You Get...
Product | NORMAL Price | INTRO OFFER |
“How To Render Cars in Photoshop Fast And Easy” Online Videos | $97 | $67 |
"Applying Color in Photoshop" Bonus Video | $9.95 | FREE |
"Adding Object Reflections" Bonus Video | $14.95 | FREE |
"Adding Ground Reflections" Bonus Video | $9.95 | FREE |
"Car Body Reflections Cheat Sheet" | $9.95 | FREE |
Original Photoshop Files Used in the Videos | $100 | FREE |
Total Value | $241.80 | $241.80 |
Your Price | $67 | |
You Save | $174.80 |
My No-Risk, Personal Money Back |
If You're Finished For Good With All The Tips and Techniques That Haven't Really Shown You How To Render Cars The Right Way, THEN THIS IS IT! This Is The Complete and Effective Photoshop Car Rendering Guide You've Been Searching For
If you're even remotely interested in learning how to improve your car rendering, then you owe it to yourself to at least try How To Render Cars in Photoshop Fast and Easy. If it's not for you, I understand. Frankly, this video program isn't for everyone. Most people interested in car rendering are going to keep looking for a free quick tip here or a new technique there. But we don't think you would have read this far if you were the type of person to follow the crowd.Just imagine what it'd be like for your friends to look in awe at a breathtaking Photoshop car rendering you've just shown them knowing that you actually did it...and it only took you a fraction of the time it used to take you to render something really ordinary. Or just imagine being able to render a perfect looking 3D car with all the correct details for the first time ever.
If you're one of those special people - one of minority who are ready to take action and watch your Photoshop car renderings soar to the next level - then invest in some real education and order today, because "just thinking about it" never led anyone to becoming better at rendering cars.
Warm Regards,
Tim Rugendyke and Andy Cheung (co-creator)
P.S. This is the most comprehensive and detailed online video program ever created on how to help you render cars like a professional …this is written and designed for everyday people by a professional automotive designer and lecturer doing precisely what he teaches you.
P.P.S. Remember, if within 60 days you don't feel the techniques and tips contained within How To Render Cars in Photoshop Fast and Easy has helped you render in Photoshop better than you've ever render before, I want you to ask for, and get your money back. I don't want to keep your money if you're not entirely happy and satisfied with this program.
P.P.S. WARNING - It seems that everyone wants to put their latest and greatest rendering tutorial up on the net. Sure, what's wrong with free? I love free stuff too. But save yourself time and endless hours of frustration and get the information from a reputable source. I have more than 15 years of 'hands on' experience as a professional designer and use the techniques in this program everyday.
With my knowledge and extensive experience as an automotive designer, I can help you discover the shortcuts to the secrets of rendering cars like the pros. Therefore cutting your time and effort for you to render amazing 3D cars every time. My knowledge and experience is nothing short of priceless for you!!
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