Learn How To Seduce Women Without Using Words
I’ll teach you, step by step, how to create a style for yourself that isirresistible to women…
Recently, I went out with some friends to the local club. On the way there, I was stopped on the street by a cute girl who complimented me on my jacket and my unique sense of style.
Once we hit the club, I could literally feel the eyes of all the people in the venue turn to me the moment I stepped in. Over the course of the night, I was approached by no less than a half-dozen girls who stopped me to compliment me on my style and accessories.
One girl in particular, a cute blonde (I have a soft spot for blondes), hit it off with me really well after she complimented me about my favorite necklace that I had on, and I shared a personal story about why it was special to me.
We ended up making out on the dance floor that night, and she ended up coming home with me after the club closed.
Now, I’m a pretty regular guy. I have average looks, am not particularly athletic, and I don’t have a lot of money.
So the question is: How did I do it? What did I say to her?
Or perhaps the better question is: What was it about my style that attracted her to me in the first place?
How To Develop An Attractive Style
I didn’t always enjoy the success with women that I do now.
For most of my life, through high school and even into college, I had no clue when it came to style or how to make myself attractive to women.
I went from not knowing how to approach girls, tohaving girls approach me.
Once I was out of school, I decided that I needed to figure this out, that this was an area of my life that I needed to get handled.
I went on a personal mission, spendingyears reading and learning everything I could about style and fashion, and went from not knowing how to approach girls, to having girls approach me.
At the time that I was learning this stuff, I didn’t have any mentors and didn’t even know where to begin learning about style, so it took me a long time.
Learning about style doesn’t have to be that hard.
To save you the time and effort that it took me to learn about style, I’ve written an ebook called “Seduce With Style“:
“Seduce With Style” is a compilation of everything that I’ve learned about style over the years. In the book, I will guide you step-by-step through the process of developing your style, so that you can start seeing results in weeks, instead of months and years. I will teach you all my secrets to getting women instantly attracted to you.
The SECRET To Seductive Style That Most Guys Don’t Know
One of the things that I learned about style, is that style is about more than just clothes, it is a form of communication. Style is like a secret language that only a few guys know how to speak, but if you can master it, you can send women all the right messages.
Women decide whether or not to sleep with a guy within just a few secondsof meeting them.
Everyone knows that the first impression is the most important impression, and studies have shown that women decide whether or not to sleep with a guy within just a few seconds of meeting them.
So how do you create an attractive impression that will get you into the former category, and not the latter?
One of the concepts that I talk about in my book is what I call Style Attraction Switches. This is one of the secrets that I discovered during my style development, that is an absolute shortcut to attraction.
Style Attraction Switches are different clothing items you can wear to triggerattraction in a woman and communicate that you are an attractive guy. In my book, I explain exactly what Style Attraction Switches are, and show you, step-by-step, how to incorporate them into your outfits.
What Else You’ll Learn
In addition to Style Attraction Switches, I cover a ton of material in my book that will teach you how to develop an attractive style. I literally start from the ground up, teaching you the absolute basics to the most advanced concepts in style and fashion.
Here are some of the topics I cover:
Section 1: Strategy Guide
- The 5 Common Myths About Style that most guys believe in, but aren’t true – pg. 4
- The core elements of style, from fit, matching colors, and choosing materials to what accessories to get and what different brands mean – pg. 13
- Learn how style can improve your first impressions, boost your confidence, better your self-image, and improve your success with women – pg. 17
- Step-by-step guide for learning how to improve your style – pg. 21
- Learn the secret of Style Attraction switches, and how to trigger them to create massive attraction with women – pg. 32
- The Map of Style, 2011 Edition – pg. 37
- 8 crucial fashion mistakes to avoid, that you are probably already making – pg. 49
Section 2: Tactical Guide
- How to always smell fresh and impress women with your scent – pg. 55
- How to get a professional looking haircut for less than $25 dollars – pg. 58
- How to pick the right size and fit for clothing items, from jeans and dress shirts to belts, shoes, and suits – pg. 62
- An illustrated guide to picking out the right clothing, and how to avoid common fashion faux pas – pg. 71
- How to tailor your style and look depending on your height, weight, age and other factors – pg. 77
- Everything you wanted to know about colors, from how to match clothes to your skin tone, picking complementary colors, and the emotional meaning behind different hues – pg. 81
- How to use layering to add an extra dimension to your look – pg. 88
- The ultimate guide to accessories, from arm bands and watches to sunglasses and jewelry – pg. 100
- Where to shop, and how to buy great clothing pieces on a budget – pg. 118
- A complete set of exercises to start improving your style IMMEDIATELY – pg. 122
Section 3: Advanced Guide
- How to use Peacocking to build your confidence and amplify attraction – pg. 124
- Learn about piercings and tattoos, and how to incorporate them into your style – pg. 128
- Learn how to master scents, and how to use pheromones to generate automatic attraction from women – pg. 134
- How to model Sexual Avatars to instantly attract the kind of women you’re looking for – pg. 139
- Learn how to use masculine body language to improve your presentation and amplify attraction – pg. 142
- How to develop long-term style and good looks – pg. 151
The best part is you don’t have to wait for this book to come in the mail, or drive to a store to get it. You can download it onto your computer right now. Instant gratification!
Download “Seduce With Style” Right Now!
But wait, there’s more!
For a limited time, I am including a number of very special bonuses with your purchase. If you act now, you’ll also get:
Bonus #1: FREE eBook on Developing a Seductive Body
Fast Action Bonus #1
Seductive Body, Seductive Style ($30 value!)
There’s no point in having a great sense of style if you have a sloppy body.
There’s no point in having a great sense of style if you have a sloppy body.
This ebook teaches you how to develop a sexy body to match your sexy style, with workout advice from a former wrestling team captain and Judo black belt with over 15 years of weight lifting experience.

- How to sculpt the perfect body to match your sense of style
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- An easy workout routine that will maximize your strength & bulk
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Bonus #2: FREE Science of Beauty Ebook
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The Science of Beauty ($30 value!)
This ebook explores the current science of beauty and attraction, and how it applies to style, supplementing what you learn in “Seduce With Style” with hard science.
This ebook explores the current science of beauty and attraction, and how it applies to style, supplementing what you learn in “Seduce With Style” with hard science.
Get questions answered like:
- Do looks matter for men?
- Does penis size matter?
- Is there a universal beauty standard?
- Why we are attracted to certain female faces instantaneously?
- Do women have the same response to good looking male faces?
- Is there racism in what is considered beautiful based on skin color?
- Do women change their sexual selection strategy based on their menstrual cycle?
- Do girls treat good looking guys differently?
Bonus #3: FREE Access To Our Exclusive VIP Forum
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Exclusive access to the Seducing With Style VIP Forum ($50 value!)
For a limited time get access to the VIP section of our style forum over at www.SeducingWithStyle.com! In the private section of the forum you can:
For a limited time get access to the VIP section of our style forum over at www.SeducingWithStyle.com! In the private section of the forum you can:
- Ask us any questions you have related the book, or style & fashion in general
- Connect with like minded guys who are also looking to improve the look and style
- Share pictures of outfits, and ask for critiques and feedback
- Gain access to special member only forum content
Bonus #4: The 7 Rules of Style from top Dating Coaches
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7 Rules of Style Bonus Inset ($100 value!)
A special inset featuring advice from dating gurus from top dating companies such as Love Systems, Charisma Arts, and the ABCs of Attraction, as well as top female dating experts Erika Awakening and Kezia Noble.
A special inset featuring advice from dating gurus from top dating companies such as Love Systems, Charisma Arts, and the ABCs of Attraction, as well as top female dating experts Erika Awakening and Kezia Noble.
DJ Fuji (Dating & Lifestyle Coach):
Kezia Noble (Professional Dating Coach):
Nick Savoy (Pick Up Artist, Founder of Love Systems):
Here’s Everything You’ll Get:
This is the most complete package for mastering attractive style you can find anywhere. I wish I’d been able to have access to this knowledge and experience when I first started!
Order today, and you’ll receive:
- “Seduce With Style” – The Ultimate Guide to Attractive Men’s Style
- “Seductive Body, Seductive Style” – Step-By-Step Instructions On How To Get A Seductive Body in 30 Days ($30 value – FREE!)
- “The Science of Beauty”- How To Turn A Woman On, Satisfy Her In A Big Way, And Get Her To Do The Things You’ve Always Wanted” ($30 value – FREE!)
- “The 7 Rules of Style from top Dating Coaches” – Style Advice From The World’s Best Dating and Seduction Coaches ($100 value – FREE!)
- Exclusive access to our VIP forum at SeducingWithStyle.com ($50 value – FREE!)
And you’ll get all of them for FREE, just for TRYING my eBook…
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Top 7 Frequently Asked Questions About Style
Q: Doesn’t what’s on the inside matter more than how I look on the outside? Why should I care about Style?
A: It’s true that who you are as a person is way more important than how you look. However, the truth is that women judge you by the way you look. If your looks aren’t up to her standards, it doesn’t matter how great of a person you are– she’ll already have written you off and she’ll never get the chance to get to know you.
Q: Isn’t it shallow & self-centerd to be concerned about the way you look?
A: I used to to think so too, but then I realized that it’s only shallow if you only care about how you look, an important distinction. Learning how to express who you really are through clothing can actually be a very enlightening experience.
As far as being self-centered, that’s not true at all. Think about it for a moment: do you want the women in your life to take care of how they look and dress so that they look their best, or would you prefer that they dress sloppily and not care at all about how they look? The answer is obvious, and women want the same thing. By dressing and looking your best, you are actually doing women a favor.
Q: Isn’t there more to attracting women than just Style?
A: Absolutely, and there is tons of great information about meeting women online. However, Style is an absolutely key part of the puzzle, because your clothing is one of the first things a woman notices about you. It doesn’t matter how good you are with women if you can’t even get them to talk to you because you dress poorly.
Q: I don’t know anything about style, will your book help?
Yes! I cover some pretty advanced topics in my book, but I start with the very basics, assuming that you know nothing about style. No matter what your current level is in regards to style, the information in my book will help get you to the next level.
Q: How long will it take me to learn how to dress stylishly?
A: The great thing about Style is that is something you can fix almost immediately. Depending on how quickly you can read and go shopping, you can start seeing results within just a few days. Of course, it will take a little longer to master all the rules of Style, but by having my book as a reference you will be able to dramatically shortcut the process.
Q: I’m a poor college student. Can I be stylish on a budget?
A: Absolutely! I was once a starving student myself, so I can totally relate to this. The great thing about Style is that you don’t have to be rich to look stylish. By learning the fundamentals of Style and following the shopping advice provided in my book, you will be able put together some amazing outfits without breaking the bank.
Q: What will my wife or girlfriend say?
A: Women love style and fashion. The advice in this book can be used not only to attract new women, but increase your attractiveness to the woman you’re with. Trust me, women know how important it is to look good, and she will appreciate the effort you’re putting into looking better for her.
One Final Thought…
Writing this ebook has been a real labor of love for me. I can still remember back when I was just getting started with this, how confused I felt about learning about style– something no one had ever taught me in my entire 16 years of schooling.
I remember how frustrated I felt when it came to women and dating, how I didn’t know what to say to girls or to get them to notice me. How helpless I felt about this area of my life.
Now, it’s like night and day. Women approach me to start conversations, and it’s no trouble getting them interested in me, getting their numbers and going on dates.
My knowledge of style and fashion has even helped me beyond getting women: people treat me nicer, I get more respect at work, and I feel more confident now that I know how to dress well.
Style has had a powerful impact on my life, and I want to share that same experience with you. Click here now to order a copy my ebook– you won’t regret it.
P.S. Be sure to stop by our style forum on our website once you purchase the book. You can find me and some of the other contributors to this book there, and we would be happy to personally answer any style questions you might have. Looking forward to chatting with you!
A word from Kezia Noble:
I have been partying with the people from the fashion scene since I was 16 years old, including models, fashion designers and fashion journalists, the main quality that made these people stand out from the rest of the crowds was their ability to come across as PHYSICALLY inspirational!
Some of them did not actually have the most perfectly tones bodies or even the most chiseled features (well except the models) but they still managed to inspire others around them to look good and take pride in their appearance, as a result giving them the upper hand ALMOST INSTANTANEOUSLY.
Seduce with Style explains how these people do it, you might think its some sort of effortless and natural ‘je ne sais quoi” but that ILLUSION of “je ne sais quoi” rarely comes naturally. Stye is an art form which needs to be learned and PRACTICED in order for it to come to naturally (a little like learning a new language).
Seduce with Style really understands this, and it also is a great reference tool to help people who already have mastered the art of fashion to a certain degree right to the guy who has ZERO understanding about fashion.
Chapter 2 is my favorite part of this book. We get to see an honest and detailed break down in to the authors own style evolution- including photos. This is very important chapter, and watching his ‘style journey’ unfold through all the trials of getting it right was an eye opener.
I really recommend this book to anybody wanted to improve their style, it really does cover every detail (including pea-cocking- which was another great chapter, as it explored pea-cocking on a whole new level).
Whether you are on a tight budget or have lots of spare cash at your disposal, this book will help you a lot.
As a woman, I instantly check out three things when I first meet a guy
- His body language
- the way he deals with the energy and mood of the location/venue/room/me
-His appearance.
- His body language
- the way he deals with the energy and mood of the location/venue/room/me
-His appearance.
I do have a physical type, YES, but if he can not achieve the above factors, then his level of attractiveness goes down A LOT, equally there have been men who are NOT physically my type but who have managed to ACHIEVE the above factors, and as a result, increase their levels of attractiveness.
I highly recommend this book, as it it sees and understands what women find sexy – which is far more important than just dressing to impress a certain niche.
Kezia Noble
Professional Dating Coach
Professional Dating Coach
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