Dear friend,
Let me tell you an amazing (true) story that happened to me in my last year of college... I was with a friend one night at a bar. This guy was smoking hot (you know, the supermodel type). I’m nowhere near him when it comes to good looks...
We were talking about our usual stuff when I noticed this drop dead gorgeous woman a few feet away checking us out. It was so obvious she was looking our way that I knew something was going to happen.
The moment my friend went to the bathroom, she hurried over, took his seat and told me:
„I like what you’re wearing... I love men who wear scarves. I'm Angelica.”
One thing led to another and, sure enough, after a few minutes, she took out a pen and scribbled down her phone number. Then she literally grabbed my scarf with one hand, squeezed the napkin in my pocket with the other... then rushed back to her seat.
Are all of the sudden
women starting to approach men?
It took me just a few minutes of *normal conversation* to have the number of the hottest girl in the bar... without even asking! (And this wasn’t the first time this happened to me.)
I’m sure that by now you’re wondering: what made that girl act the way she did? Why would a woman who gets approached by hundreds of men, just hand out her number to a complete stranger? (Especially an average looking one such as myself)
Here’s the big secret: the way you look
Women are hardwired to look for wealth and mate with men that have it. In their lizard brains, they are the breeders. They need "resources" and stick around men who have them. (That's how the evolutionist theory goes.)
They're consciously and unconsciously looking for guys who meet their deepest desires. And there’s nothing you can do about it..
But what you CAN do is change the way you dress and have her think you're a very rich AND generous person...
Don't go out on another date,
don't go to another interview,
don't even go out
until you read the rest of this page!
By far, the fastest and easiest way of conveying that you’re worthy of sex is through your clothes. Clothes communicate social status, self-confidence and wealth.
Are you with me? The better you dress, the more powerful your signals will be.
Now I did't came to this conclusion on my own. I read dozens of articles, studies, I watched every TV show I could find, that discussed the appearance issue. I was stunned.
The fact of the matter is there are dozens of studies just like the one I quoted above... These studies CLEARLY reveal the fact that handsome people...
- have more friends, larger social circles and healthier relationships
- more BEAUTIFUL sexual partners and more sex
- have better paying jobs
- own more companies and corporations
- have lower divorce rates
- ... and MANY other "unfair" advantages!
Obviously, you can't fool anyone into thinking you're rich when you're not. But what you can do is play the first impression game.
I can make you look HOT HOT HOT!
You can be the best "you" that you're capable of by dressing for success. People have hard-wired good emotions towards other people who take care of themselves. This means better relationships and more life opportunities for you.
In time, I discovered dozens of secrets that make you more attractive. Finally I decided to put them all in one place, along with detailed advice about every piece of clothing you should wear. So I created...
Be Stylish! ™ is your personal image consultant that will literally turn you into a hot *well dressed* sexually aware man, all without spending tons of money on expensive clothes.
Here are just a few of the benefits of dressing stylishly:
More sex! When you have women literally hitting on you, you'll be the one rejecting THEM.
Show your best traits and hide your body flaws (hanging belly, too short, too skinny etc.). Clothes will fit you like a glove and you'll be irresistible to women.
Have people treat you better and enjoy your company more. Hey, you look great! - you'll hear this a lot...
You'll feel confident day in and day out and opportunities will finally start coming your way. Your suggestions and decisions will weigh more.
How to quickly win the respect and trust of powerful people by becoming “a well dressed rebel”.
Make your girlfriend fall in love with you all over again. In fact, you'll be able spark sexual attraction in every woman you meet, using my secret style combos (I've personally used a scarf paired with a dress shirt and a cardigan with amazing results).
Put your career into high gear. Use your personal image and charisma to help attain your financial goals.
How to mix and match colors and clothes. Learn the science of looking handsome.
Use the power of accessories to express your personality and send undercover SEX signals to women. They'll wanna know "where you got that ring from".
Give off a STRONG classy vibe by wearing a suit in the right size and fit. Knowing the details of this wonderful item of clothing is essential.
And much, much more...
Best of all, you’ll learn to look great without going broke! Waive those fat cats designer houses goodbye and keep your money for more important things.
My system for (quickly) changing your personal image can be learned by anyone. And, for this...
You don't need to be tall
You don't need to be handsome
You don't need to have muscles
You don't need to have any current sense of fashion and style whatsoever
You can be 18 or 80 – it doesn’t matter. Women are attracted like crazy by older men who know how to dress.
I know this sounds like it's too good to be true and I understand if you're skeptical. In fact, I hope that you are skeptical... because I was at first too. Untill I changed the way I dressed and I saw how my life changed right before my eyes.
Ever since I saw the results on my own skin, I swore I would dedicate my whole life to teaching other guys how to dress sharp. It's easy, fun and relaxing and I'm sure it will be for you too.
Here are just a few of the amazing transformations that I've done on guys across the world:
So let me put it bluntly: I can make Elmer Fudd look like Johnny Depp right now.I’ve done it before and I can do it again. I can’t get enough of men thanking me with tears in their eyes for transforming them from downright ugly to handsome studs.
This is because my extensive knowledge in this field is based on:
- Hundreds of e-mail and phone consultations with guys of all ages, body types and personalities. I've been doing this for over 2 years and loved every minute of it!
- Dozens of face-to-face consultations and shopping sessions (trying on hundreds of clothes combinations to see what works and what doesn't)...
- Endless discussions and debates with fashion consultants, dating experts and male models!
- and, of course, applying EVERYTHING on myself (clothes, shoes, accessories, hair cuts, hair products, you name it).
I made a lot of fuss with my initiatives and ideas. A while back I've even been invited to a local television, where I showed a printed copy of the Be Stylish! ™ book.
I’m the one on the left in the picture below (wearing a black sports jacket, a blue striped shirt and a white vest):
But don’t take my word for it. Here’s what some of my clients have to say:
"It's amazing what you've managed to compress in 200 pages."
Allow me to first congratulate you for a job very well done. It's amazing what you've managed to compress in 200 pages, the experience of years of hard work. [...] I can say I felt it very personally, like an old friend would tell me a story on a night out.
- Octavian A.
"I've changed myself almost radically as far as clothing is concerned"
Shortly after I bought your package I noticed different reactions in people I see very often. They seemed surprised because they knew I almost never wore shirts. I surprise them every week now with some new item of clothing.
- Adrian A., Austin
 | So, what kind of vibe do you give off? Other people (women especially) are experts at sizing people up. If you send the wrong message by looking like a "nice guy" – you’re pretty much done! Most guys out there are clueless about fashion and style (and women are horrifiedby this). But girls aren't going to tell you this. They want you to figure this stuff out for yourself (so they can choose their mate only among real men)... This is your chance to gain a an “unfair advantage”. |
Dress Like You're Getting Laid
OK, here’s what you’ll get: twelve easy-to-read modules jam-packed with information, that take you through men’s clothing from A to Z.
I went through each item of clothing with a fine tooth comb and I made it super easy for you to read and apply the info. For your convenience, I’ve set them up such that you can start with any module you want.
 | Module 1: Grooming and Hygiene Did you know your face is the first thing someone looks at when they see you?Don't let these grooming mistakes ruin the most important events in your life. Get rid of those annoying pimples and red spots by using the right products for your skin type. You’ll feel like a new man with your perfect “celebrity” skin. |
Turn back the clock. Use my secret 5-step formula for taking care of your facial skin. If celebrities do it, so should you.
Find out why 3-blade razors are practically *murdering* your skin. What to use instead and how to get that perfect shave fast and with no pain.
Find the right cologne for your body type and personality. Now she'll have a reason to talk about you with her girlfriends.
Get the perfect hair style for you. Apply the one factor that can make it or break it when you choose it (pictures inside).
Get rid of excessive sweating right now!
Hair loss prevention tips (because this HAS to be dealt with).
And a lot more…
 | Module 2: The Suit Don’t know a quality suit when you see one? You will from now on. Become a true gentleman and don’t spend your money on any of the horrible suit deals out there. What texture, color, fabric, lapel and style are best for you? Find out everything at page 35. Want a suit that fits you like a glove if you’re thin, tall, fat or short? I’ll tell you which one to buy. |
Where can you find great quality suits for less than $500? I’ll let you in on the secret...
Protect your investment by taking good care of your suit! Plus, the biggest mistake that can ruin it at page 45.
And much more…
 | Module 3: The Shirt It’s time to move on from t-shirts. Shirts will make you sexier and give you a classy air. How to choose the right colors that will contrast perfectly with your skin tone. Which shirt to wear in formal and informal situations. Make a statement but make the right statement. Still don't want to let go of t-shirts? I'll share a secret on how you can look stylish in them. |
Shoulders too wide compared to your waist? Find out what advice I gave one of my readers at page 54.
And a whole lot more…
 | Module 4: Blazers and Jackets Be a real-life James Bond by wearing a blazer. You’ll practically hypnotize the women you come in contact with! Classic jacket? Leather? Denim? Pick the one that you resonate best with. I'll let you in on the crucial factor when it comes to choosing a jacket. You don't want to look and feel uncomfortable because you didn't know it. |
How to wear a parka. The secret outfit you can wear it with for an amazing look.
And much, much more…
 | Module 5: Pants and Jeans Dress up your denim. Make outstanding outfits starting with a pair of simple jeans. I’ll let you in on what the best denim is (I’m talking quality here). Save money by purchasing durable jeans. When you should wear chinos, kakhis and cargo pants. You'll know how to dress right for every occasion. |
And much more…
 | Module 6: Shoes and Socks Shoes are the first thing women look at when they check a guy out... Wear my secret type of shoes to have them thinking about you for days to come. Comfortable or stylish? You can be both. Learn to pick quality shoes and match them with the rest of your outfit. A square toe or a rounded one? A big chunky sole or a slimmer one? Turn on to page 80 to find out. |
Don't be like the other dufuses who always wear black shoes (and look like clones). Start wearing brown and coordinate it with the rest of your outfit.
Sock color is crucial. Find out how to match your socks to the rest of the outfit.
With socks or sockless? If you get this right, it can make the difference between complete embarassment and a super-attractive look.
And much much more…
 | Module 7: The Overcoat Want to know all about being stylish when it’s freezing or raining outside? I'll give you plenty of overcoats to choose from. I'll let you in on which men's coats will make you look *manly* and which ones to avoid. Believe it or now, some of them will make you look girly. |
 | Module 8: Accessories Start wearing ties! It's all in the details... I'll show you how to pick your ties and match them with your shirt, suit and blazer. How to make the Windsor knot (step-by-step pictures included) Don't get screwed when buying sunglasses. Plus, how to pick the right pair to go with your face shape, eyebrows and hair style. Choose the right belt for a complete coordinated outfit. This is a must-know for any man. |
Ever had problems with that belt hanging? Learn how to choose the right belt size for you.
Learn to tie your scarf like an Italian. Step-by-step pictures inside.
Find out what pitfalls to avoid when buying a watch. Match it with your clothes for a complete classy look.
Wear bracelets and rings. Why? Because women like sexy. I'll tell you which ones.
Go beyond boring formal wear. I'll show you how to wear a pocket square, match it with the rest of your outfit and where to find the best prices.
And much much more…
 | Module 9: Taking Care of Your Clothes Clothes are an investment so you need to protect them. Learn how to prolong their life time and have them look great for years! How to remove the most common and dangerous stains. Know what to do in every situation. How to salvage your suede shoes if they got stained. Why spend hundreds on a new pair when you can make the old one look brand-new again? |
 | Module 10: Matching Your Outfit Are you wearing clothes with big logos on them? Maybe socks with sandals? If this sounds like you, I’ll tell you what to do to avoid some fatal mistakes that could cost you a lot in the long run. Learn the secret weapon of casual style: layering. How to make stunning outfit combinations by layering clothes. You can wear a suit but you don’t want people to mistake you for a congressman. Put some color into it and show your personality. |
And much much more…
 | Module 11: Put It All Into Action Once you decided which clothes and accessories you want to wear, it’s time to take action. Find out my secret tips for smart shopping and save thousands! 14 sneaky little tricks to make yourself look taller. Women always go for the tallest guy they can find. You can fool anyone with these techniques and gain inches. How to dress appropriately for your age. Don't look like the kid you once were. |
How to look slimmer instantly. Lose a few extra pounds each time you apply one of my tricks that I'll share with you at page 170...
Find out my 7 killer first date style tips. I never ended a first date without french-kissing the girl and neither should you.
What's the number one mistake guys make when going to an interview. Plus, 5 sure tricks to make your employer hire you.
How to quickly know what facial shape you have and find the perfect haircut for you - faster than you can snap your fingers!
And much more…
 | Module 12: Inspirational Style Icons 14 Celebrity Style Icons revealed! When you need some style ideas, turn to these guys for help. Their clothes and personalities have inspired generations. |
In a nutshell, you get everything related to men’s clothing and personal grooming, all in one place. All my knowledge that has transformed me from zero to hero both personally and professionally.
You, on the other hand, get to breeze right past the "learning curve" I had to go through...
But wait! There’s more...
... if you act now you’ll also get free instant access to four "first-mover" bonuses that are going to be off the table later on if you put this off...
 | Amazing bonus #1:
"Advanced Fat Loss Nutrition"
– A $19 Value – Yours Free There are plenty of books about training and cardio... but none when it comes to real, real nutrition, that can make you lose pound after pound. Nutrition doesn't care about genetics. The more you know and apply, the less hard you have to train to get to the same result: a nice 6-pack. |
 | Amazing bonus #2:
"The 37 Rules of Men's Style"
– A $17 Value – Yours Free Learn the worst 37 dressing rules you're probably making right now! Find out how many of them you break and correct them ASAP! |
 | Amazing bonus #3:
"What Women Look At The First Time They See a Man"
– A $19 Value – Yours Free Find out what women secretly want you to know about fashion. I’ve delved into their mind and finally figured out what they look at the first time they see a guy. From now on you’ll be armored with the right image that will trigger women’s attraction switches again and again. |
 | Amazing bonus #4:
Free Style Consultations (by email) for a full 90 days!
– A $200 Value Fashion consultants usually charge a minimum of $200 an hour for a live consultation. Act now and I'll be at your disposal by e-mail for the next three months! I'll be your personal fashion consultant and help you every step of the way. |
Order NOW and
Receive the 4 Bonuses:
A $255 Value - FREE!
Q1: What will my friends and family say when they’ll see me all dressed up?
A1: The change doesn’t have to be drastic - it’s up to you. Just start with one piece of clothing and take it slow. Your peers will respect you more awithout even knowing why!
Q2: This won’t work for me. I won’t look good no matter what I wear.
A2: Hey, I didn’t look good either. I fact, I bet I probably looked a lot worse than you do right now. And now I have the hottest girls checking me out and whispering to each other: “Do you see how that guy is dressed?”
Q3: I already dress well… I don’t need this!
A3: In that case, props to you! There’s always more to learn and I’m sure I can help you make outfits that are so good; you’ll want to throw away your old clothes.
Q4: What will my wife or girlfriend say?
A4: Women love fashion and style. They want you to look at your best because they know how important your personal image is. If she’s ever worn lipstick, she’ll say "yes" to you trying my system.
Q5: My beer buddies are gonna laugh at me if they see me dressed stylish! What should I do?
A5: Your beer buddies never dated hot girls (except those who look good genetically).Once you read and apply all the modules, you’ll see sexual opportunities coming your way… regularly.
Q6: I’m a college student and short on cash. Can I be stylish on a budget?
A6: Absolutely! It all boils down to the way you put together your outfits and finding quality clothes at resonable prices. It’s so easy even a kid could do it.
Q7: I’m too old. I don’t need this anymore…
A7: Sorry to disagree with you on this one. Older people are way more stylish than younger ones. You are the real gentlemen. Just find the clothes that show your wisdom and personality.
Ok, George... So How Much
Is This Going to Cost Me?
Let me ask you this: how much are you willing to pay to have a cute girl by your side? How about two girls? Can you put a price tag on it?
$5,000 ? $3,000 ? $2,000?
Most image consultants charge you up to $250 per hour, and they have the nerve to set the minimum duration to 2 hours!
Are you kidding me? 500 bucks just to get only a small fraction of the information contained in my package?
What if I told you that Be Stylish ™ won’t even cost you $500? How about $100 or even$50? A steal, I’m sure you agree.
But you don’t even have to pay that much. I could give it to you right now for only $47. That’s less than a decent pair of sunglasses!
But... you know what? I'm going to make this even easier for you I'll let you try the systemFREE for a full 21 days! That's right! You have 21 days to give my system a try and see if it's right for you.
Take action right now and you'll only be charged $1 (one dollar). That's the minimum ClickBank will allow me to charge you. After 21 days, you will be charged the full price of 47 dollars, if you decide to keep my package.
Since this is a trial offer, it might not be up for long. This could be the last time you see this offer. I hate to say this but…
if you come back in a day or two you might wake up with only the option to pay in full!
I've shown you why beautiful women are predisposed to go into a relationship with men who know how to take care of themselves, rather than choose average Joes...
You've seen that good looking guys seem to have it all in life (and they do!)...
And I've walked you through all the easy steps you need to take in order to look and feel a handsome guy. So why not
invest $1 in the Be Stylish ™ Trial Package and skyrocket your success in every area of your life?
Yes, George! I want to be the handsome stud that dresses like he's getting laid!
Yes, I want to look hot in a matter of days and your system is the only solution. I want people to respect and admire me!
I understand that if I'm not completely satisfied with your product, I can simply return it and get my money back. Your 81 days Guarantee has got me covered.
I also get that I need to act now in order to get the bonuses:
The secrets which will make you look and feel great, that will give you floods of respect and admiration from those around you, and will ultimately turn you into a higly respected and attractive man, are finally here. You’re just a click away from them!